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4 Tips For Raising Teenagers

group of teenage girls together

When you are a parent, caring for a teenager can be a challenge. Of course, you love them unconditionally, but it can still be hard—a combination of hormones and becoming more independent can mean that more arguments are had, and that mood swings are a regular occurrence. To make life easier, we have some useful […]

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How a Pet Can Help Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Having a pet can help your child's self-esteem

Being a kid has its ups and downs, and struggling with identity, bullying, and understanding self-worth is common with both younger children and teenagers. As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child go through these struggles, and concern over their well-being can leave you feeling anxious and stressed yourself. If you are […]

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Safe Alternatives for Celebrating Halloween 2020

halloween cookies are a safe alternative for Halloween 2020

Halloween has always been my family’s favorite holiday. Getting creative, making our own characters come to life, our home filled with fun decor, and plenty of fun outside for those driving by. Unfortunately, like many, we know with current COVID-19 circumstances, especially here in Iowa, many of our normal activities are clearly cancelled. We’ve quickly […]

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11 of the Very Best Laptops for High School Students

laptops for high school students

As we only move forward in the age of technology, laptops are becoming a great resource to use in school. Most college students use laptops, and many high-schoolers use them for writing, studying, and note-taking. Laptops are great for watching educational videos and completing projects as well. If you’re considering buying a laptop for your […]

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Must-Know Apps Parents Should Know About

Must-Know Apps Parents Should Know About 2

As parents, it’s our responsibility to protect our kids. Having a parenting website or blog I am always stumbling across stuff and children are in a similar position. Seeing that we live in a digital era, keeping up with all the digital trends can seem exhausting and frustrating. Nevertheless, it’s important to stay informed about […]

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Fun Ways to Spend Time with Your Teens

Fun Ways to Spend Time with Your Teens 8

If you have teenagers it can sometimes be difficult to convince them to spend more time with you and a little less time with their friends. They’re at that age where they’re starting to feel more independent and that means that they want to do their own thing a lot more, but you still crave […]

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A Crash Course In Talking Teen

A Crash Course In Talking Teen 10

Dealing with teenagers is hard. One minute they’re smiling, bright, and bubbly. The next, they snap at everything you say and spend an unnatural amount of time in their bedrooms. You can try to tell yourself it’s the hormones, but that doesn’t stop their sharp words hurting. Especially when you try to do everything possible […]

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An Innovative App to Make Life Easier for Moms

An Innovative App to Make Life Easier for Moms 12

With motherhood come numerous other duties and responsibilities. As single women, many of us never imagine that a time will come when we have to juggle chores and go nuts with chaos. The never-ending ‘To-do list’ right from the moment you give birth, can lead to you ignoring them most important person – YOU. The […]

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Now Entering the Double Trouble Terrible Twos

Now Entering the Double Trouble Terrible Twos 14

As the twins are preparing for their second birthday, I find myself starting to worry about what’s to come in this lovely “terrible twos” stage. I’ve found myself searching quite a bit for information about twins fighting with each other and sure enough, I am not alone in this lovely situation. Nathan and Lucas have […]

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Getting Picky Kids to Eat

Getting Picky Kids to Eat 15

Getting picky kids to eat can be a chore, and we’ve all been there. Sometimes, they get fixated on a certain food, hot dogs or chicken nuggets, for instance, and do not want to eat much else. Our little grandson always seems to eat lots more when our Labrador retriever is near the table; I […]

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